‘Pachelbel and Bach’ prehear

In anticipation of our next concerts in Norwich and London, we are posting these two clips from private recordings made at concerts in which two of the cantatas to be heard in November were played.

The first extract is the opening movement of ‘Widerstehe doch der Sünde’. This has some extra poignancy for us: these are the first minutes of the first Bach Players concert in London, 25 May 1997 at St John’s Wood Parish Church. The singer is Sally Bruce-Payne, who will sing the piece again this November in Hampstead.

The second extract is the opening movement of ‘Christ lag in Todesbanden’, recorded on Friday 5 March 2004 at St James’s Piccadilly in London. The singers here are Gillian Keith (soprano), Hilary Summers (alto), Charles Daniel (tenor), Peter Harvey (bass).

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