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Warwick Bach Weekend: Bach / Rosenmüller
Saturday 17 May 2008, 7.30pm
St Mary’s Church Warwick
The music
Johann Sebastian Bach: Cantata ‘Komm, du süsse Todesstunde’, BWV 161
Johann Rosenmüller: ‘O dives omnium’ / Sonata à 4 in C major / ‘Lieber, lieber Herre Gott’
Johann Sebastian Bach: The Art of Fugue II, BWV 1080
Johann Sebastian Bach: Cantata ‘Wer weiß, wie nahe mir mein Ende’, BWV 27
The musicians

Angharad Gruffydd Jones soprano, Sally Bruce-Payne alto, Nicolas Mulroy tenor, Matthew Brook bass, Nicolette Moonen & Rodolfo Richter violin, Marianna Szücs viola, Alison McGillivray cello, Catherine Latham & James Eastaway oboe / recorder, Elizabeth Bradley double bass, Silas Standage organ