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Biber: the Joyful Mysteries

Saturday 2 December 2017, 7.30pm
St Dominic’s Priory, Southampton Road, London NW5 4LB
The first of three concerts in which Nicolette Moonen (violin) and Pawel Siwczak (organ) perform all of the Rosary Sonatas by H.I.F. Biber (1644–1704) – by candle light, in the appropriate side-chapels at St Dominic’s, and in the appropriate liturgical season. In this concert they play the first five sonatas, concerned with the birth of Christ and the events that surrounded it. Pawel Siwczak will also play organ music by composers of Biber’s time. After the concert (which runs for about an hour), the Dominican friars invite the audience for drinks, and there will be time to look at the wonderful interior architecture of St Dominic’s. Families with children are very welcome to attend.

The music
Heinrich Ignaz Franz Biber (1644–1704): Rosary sonatas – the Joyful Mysteries
The Annunciation
The Visitation
The Nativity
The Presentation in the Temple
Jesus in the Temple
The musicians

(Nicolette Moonen violin, Pawel Siwczak organ)