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Italy versus France
Wednesday 23 February 2011, 7.30pm
Brighton College, Eastern Road, Brighton BN2 0AL
Lully, Corelli, Muffat, and the styles reunited
The music
Jean-Baptiste Lully: Ouverture and chaconne from Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme
Jean Henry d’Anglebert: Tombeau de M. de Chambonnières
Jean-Féry Rebel: Tombeau de M. de Lully
Robert de Visée: Prelude and musette
Georg Muffat: Blanditiae from Florilegium secundum
Arcangelo Corelli: Trio sonata, op.2, no.12
Bernardo Pasquini: Toccata
François Couperin: Apothéose de Corelli
Georg Muffat: Armonico tributo: Sonata II
The musicians

Nicolette Moonen & Rachel Isserlis violin, Foskien Kooistra & Rachel Stott viola, Alison McGillivray basse de violon / viola da gamba, Jakob Lindberg theorbo, Silas Wollston harpsichord