Cantatas for Lent and Easter

Friday 5 March 2004, 7.30pm

St James’s Piccadilly, London

The music

Johann Sebastian Bach: Cantata ‘Widerstehe doch der Sünde’, BWV 54
Johann Sebastian Bach: Cantata ‘Himmelskönig, sei willkommen’, BWV 182
Johann Sebastian Bach: ‘The Art of Fugue’, BWV 1080, contrapuncti 1–4
Johann Sebastian Bach: Cantata ‘Christ lag in Todesbanden’, BWV 4

The musicians

Gillian Keith soprano, Hilary Summers alto, Charles Daniels tenor, Peter Harvey bass, Nicolette Moonen & Rodolfo Richter violin, Katherine McGillivray & Louise Hogan viola, Alison McGillivray cello, Elizabeth Bradley double bass, Silas Standage organ

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