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Tales of enchantment

Saturday 12 April 2014, 6.30pm
St John’s Downshire Hill, Hampstead, London NW3 1NU
At our invitation, Maya Homburger and Barry Guy play and improvise on compositions by Biber, Kurtag, and by Barry Guy himself.

The music
Hymn (9th century): ‘Veni creator spiritus’
H.I.F. Biber (1644–1704): ‘Annunciation’ from Mystery Sonata no.1
Barry Guy (1947–): ‘Celebration’ (violin and improvising bass)
Barry Guy: ‘Peace piece’ (solo bass)
H.I.F. Biber: ‘The carrying of the Cross’ from Mystery Sonata no. 9, with an Interlude by Barry Guy
György Kurtág (1926–): ‘Hommage à J.S.B.’
Barry Guy: ‘Tales of enchantment’ for violin and bass
Barry Guy: ‘5 Fizzles’ (solo bass)
H.I.F. Biber: ‘The Crucifixion’ Mystery Sonata no. 10
The musicians

(Maya Homburger violin, Barry Guy double bass)