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The Seasons

Thursday 16 July 2015, 7.30pm
The Octagon Chapel, Colegate, Norwich NR3 1BN
A summer concert of music by Vivaldi, Biber, Guido, and others. This is programmatic music, expressing the themes of nature. You will hear cuckoos, nightingales, frogs, ducks, and thunder too. Although some of these composers are not well known, this is music that will appeal to anyone – and especially to children

The music
Giovanni Antonio Guido (c. 1680 – c. 1730): ‘Spring’ from Scherzi armonici sopra le quattro staggioni dell’anno (c. 1725)
H.I.F. Biber (1644–1704), ‘Sonata representativa’ for violin & continuo in A major (1669?)
Carlo Farina (c. 1600–1639): Capriccio stravagante (1627)
Gregor Joseph Werner (1693–1766): ‘July’ (‘Il lùglio’) from Musicalischer Instrumental-Calender (1748)
Pietro Nardini (1722–93): Duetto no. 3 for two violins
Antonio Vivaldi (1678–1741): ‘Summer’ from Le quattro stagioni (c. 1720)
solo violin: Nicolette Moonen
The musicians

(Nicolette Moonen violin, Anne Schumann violin, Philip Yeeles violin, Rachel Stott viola, Kinga Gáborjáni cello, Silas Wollston harpsichord)